If you sustained an injury in a car accident caused by speeding, call Gold Law Firm immediately. We may be able to recover financial compensation for you. The person responsible for the collision should suffer the consequences of their reckless behavior.
Speeding contributes to the vast majority of motor vehicle accidents around the country. It’s a dangerous activity that can cause severe injuries or death. Colliding with another vehicle at low speeds could easily cause a concussion or broken bones. Imagine crashing into a car traveling well above the posted limit.
Even if you use your seatbelt and exercise caution on the road, you could become the victim of another person’s carelessness. It’s difficult to escape the path of a speeding driver. People who drive too fast put everyone around them at risk of physical harm.
Call The Gold Law Firm today to discuss your legal rights at (901)-244-5003.
Why is Speeding Dangerous?
Every single day, people are rushing to get to work, school, doctor appointments, social gatherings, and other personal or professional obligations. When someone is running late, they typically drive faster than usual. Others might talk on the phone and not notice how fast they’re going.
Whatever the reason for excessive speeds, it’s a common occurrence on the road. You might not think it’s that big of a problem. You could just slow down or stop when necessary, right? Not always. Vehicles traveling at speeds over 55 mph take longer to slow down or come to a complete stop.
Imagine the speed limit is 70 mph, but you’re driving behind someone at 85 mph. If they suddenly slam on their brakes because an animal runs across the road, you’ll likely crash into the rear of their car. Even if you react quickly, you can’t always control how your vehicle reacts.
Sudden braking or maneuvering while driving too fast could cause the car to skid, spin, or roll over, leading to an accident. It also increases the severity of any resulting injuries. The amount of protection your vehicle provides decreases, because a vehicle moving at a higher rate of speed will likely sustain more damage. Plus, there is less time for safety mechanisms to react. At 45 mph, your seatbelt might protect you from physical harm. But at 90 mph, your seatbelt might not prevent you from hitting your head against the steering wheel and suffering a severe concussion.
When paired with other hazardous conditions, speeding increases the likelihood of a traffic crash occurring. Situations like inclement weather or a damaged road with potholes make driving at high speeds more dangerous. If a speeding driver is distracted, drunk, or disobeying traffic laws, that also puts other individuals at risk.
Speeding Leads to Serious Injuries
According to statistics gathered in 2019, there were a total of 7,110 accidents caused by speeding in Tennessee. A variety of factors, such as the location of the accident, could affect the type and severity of an injury caused by a speeding driver.
The most common injuries a person is at risk for in a speeding accident include:
Concussion or traumatic brain injury
Fractured or broken bones
Spinal cord injury or paralysis
Soft tissue damage
Loss of limb
Lacerations on skin
Facial injuries or disfigurement
In extreme cases of crashes caused by speeding, death could occur. Some severe injuries could lead to permanent physical damage and life-long impairments. If you sustain an injury to your spinal cord, you might require a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Some concussions lead to partial or total blindness. Even lacerations or cuts could require painful skin grafts, depending on the severity.
How Do I Seek Compensation for My Injuries?
If clear liability exists on the part of the speeding driver, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Under Tennessee law, all drivers must carry liability auto insurance with minimum bodily injury limits. Bodily injury coverage pays for an injured person’s expenses resulting from an accident.
Depending on the limits the at-fault driver purchased for their policy, you could potentially get reimbursed for all your costs. The minimum bodily injury limit required on liability policies is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. Additionally, there’s a $15,000 property damage limit, which covers vehicle repairs or replacement.
You should hire an experienced lawyer from Gold Law Firm to help you recover compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier. We understand the necessary steps to prove you were the victim of a speeding accident, and your injuries require medical treatment.
In the state of Tennessee, auto accidents use the fault system. That means the person who caused the collision typically becomes responsible for the victim’s resulting expenses. Our Memphis speeding accident lawyers know the evidence to look for to ensure you receive the maximum compensation available.
When you hire us, we will research the other motorist’s insurance policy to determine what coverage is available. We can file an insurance claim on your behalf and submit all the documentation required. To prove liability in your speeding accident, we’ll gather the following evidence to send to the insurance company:
Police report
Statements of witnesses to the accident
Photos of the crash scene
Video surveillance of the collision
Insurance policies of everyone involved
Your medical records and bills
Documentation of your missed time from work
Vehicle repair estimates and invoices
During the claim process, the adjuster will require the submission of multiple forms and sufficient evidence. They will review it and either approve or deny the claim. If they approve it, we’ll negotiate an appropriate settlement amount based on your total expenses. If it gets denied, we could file an appeal or take your case to trial.
It’s possible to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver if their actions were so egregious that an insurance claim isn’t enough. Suing the irresponsible driver for punitive damages allows for the potential recovery of a financial award to make up for the suffering you endured, and also serves to punish the driver for their reckless behavior.
How Much Money Could I Receive?
The amount of your settlement will depend on the following factors:
The severity of the injury
Duration of necessary medical treatment
Invasiveness of any surgical procedures
Any impairment that affects a person’s ability to perform their job
Long-term issues caused by the speeding accident
The total cost of medical bills and other expenses related to the injury
Permanent medical condition or disability
Availability of sufficient evidence
If you decide you want to file a claim with the negligent driver’s liability insurance, you could pursue compensation for your economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are expenses, such as medical bills, while non-economic damages are the physical or emotional impact on your life.
After a speeding accident, you could file a claim for the following damages:
Medical bills: Any treatment or expenses necessary for your recovery, including prescription medications, surgery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and home health care.
Property damage: Repairs to your vehicle involved in the crash. In some situations, any damaged physical property inside the car could also justify compensation.
Lost income: Pay you couldn’t earn because your injury kept you out of work.
Pain and suffering: Significant physical pain endured as a result of the crash and your injury.
Physical impairment: An injury that limits your ability to perform your job, routine tasks, or other activities you were able to do before the auto accident occurred. Examples include loss of vision, limb amputation, and paralysis.
Emotional trauma: Emotional distress suffered because of the crash or a resulting psychological diagnosis, such as PTSD.
Loss of enjoyment of life: Inability to enjoy the life you had before the accident happened because your injury limits your usual lifestyle.
Wrongful death: An immediate family member could seek compensation for funeral-related expenses of the victim of a speeding accident dies.
In a lawsuit, you could seek punitive damages directly from the at-fault driver. Unlike economic and non-economic losses, the goal of punitive damages is to punish an individual for their careless actions and hold them financially responsible.
Tennessee law limits the amount you could receive for punitive damages. The cap is set at $500,000 or two times the total amount of economic and non-economic damages.
Speak to a Memphis Speeding Accident Attorney Today
Did you suffer injuries in a speeding accident? If so, call The Gold Law Firm today to schedule your free consultation. If we’re not available, you’ll receive a callback within 24 hours. We believe in the importance of quality customer service.
When you hire us, you’ll be a priority. Your case will be just as important to us as it is to you. We know this is an overwhelming time in your life. Getting injured because another person was speeding is devastating. It negatively impacts every area of your life and results in expensive medical bills. It’s our goal to efficiently work on your case so you can move forward with your life as soon as possible.
The Memphis car accident attorneys from The Gold Law Firm dedicate their time and attention to every client. We’ll be by your side to offer legal advice and emotional support. We’ll help you get through this stressful situation and seek the justice you deserve.
There’s no risk or obligation to speak with us, so schedule your free consultation today by calling (901)-244-5003.
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Highly recommend The Gold Law Firm!
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I had a great experience with the Gold Law Firm for my car wreck!
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