You know that truck accidents are highly dangerous, as drivers of other cars are more often killed in these accidents than in accidents with vehicles of a similar size, but are you wondering what you can do to avoid a truck accident? While some crashes are random and can’t be stopped on your end, there are a few key things you can do to reduce the danger.
First, you never want to pass a truck and then slow down. Trucks take far longer than standard cars to stop. If you need to pass and then slow down — to make it to your exit, for example — you want to get behind the truck and match its speed, rather than trying to save a few seconds and ending up in an accident.
It’s also not a good idea to go on the right side of a truck to pass. Some trucks will sort of drift to the left before turning right because they have a wide turning radius. If you jump up into that space — this especially goes for motorcycle riders — the truck could then turn into you.
If you do have to drive near a truck, note the blind spots and stay out of them. Truckers are diligent when looking for other cars, but you’re invisible in the blind spot.
Finally, be aware of trucks that are trying to change lanes. Watch for the blinker lights. Remember that they need larger spaces when changing lanes than passenger cars, so you may need to back off and wait while they change, rather than just following the car in front of you.
Of course, though these tips are helpful, they won’t prevent all crashes, and you need to know what legal options you have if you’re in an accident.
Source: Top Speed Racer, “Avoiding Truck Accidents,” accessed July 15, 2015