Car Accidents

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Driving Tips for Fall Weather

As the Coronavirus travel restrictions are loosening, more and more people are driving to destinations throughout the United States while many people are still fearful to fly. With more people on the road, come more car, truck, motorcycle and tractor-trailer accidents. As you and your family travel on the roads

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Don’t Wait. Get A Free Consultation Now.

Have you suffered an injury in a car accident in Tennessee? Have you been injured in any type of
accident due to the fault of another? The Memphis personal injury lawyers at Gold Law Firm are here
to help you pursue fair and just compensation for the pain and hardship you have endured. Contact us
today online or by calling (901) 244-5003 to schedule your free initial consultation with a skilled
and compassionate Memphis personal injury lawyer.

Submit the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible to schedule your consultation.

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